Paul Cramp – Amberley Garden Services
Stuart is well equipped to deal with all issues regarding employment of personnel within your company. The minefield that is HR could be the difference in making and breaking a company due to various legislations that generally support employee over employer. When considering disciplinary action, if you do not have the correct knowledge this could lead to serious financial implications for your business.
Stuart has helped me personally with my business most recently when I had a complicated apprenticeship that needed termination due to continued absence. I was able to discuss this with Stuart personally over the telephone and be confident I hadn’t left myself open for any claims of unfair/constructive dismissal.
Stuart is able to accommodate small businesses through regular monitoring or dealing with individual issues as and when they arise. He is prompt with his response even when busy and would be an asset to anyone considering employing staff, preparing contracts, dealing with disciplinary or redundancies, performance and absence management and much more.
If anyone requires a personal reference please do not hesitate to contact me at the address below where I will be happy to oblige.
Paul Cramp – Amberley Garden Services